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Inspired Changes Inc.
Upcomming Classes
Neuromuscular Therapy Massage Certification Program
As previously taught by Lainey Grace LMT and Kristi Sorensen-Reid LMT at Sterling Health Center 2001-2010.
NCBTMB Certified by Krist Sorensen-Reid 2011-2021.
NMT is a comprehensive, medical massage curriculum based on physiologic laws and principles. It combines neuromuscular and other techniques, includes postural assessment and critical thinking to create a gentle, individualized massage therapy session.
NMT Foundations:
Understanding Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: 30 hours
NMT 2: NMT for Low Back Sacrum and Pelvis: 30 hours
NMT 3: NMT for Hip and Knee: 30 Hours
NMT 4: NMT for Low Leg and Foot: Balance and Gait for Massage Therapists: 30 hours
NMT 5: NMT for Spine, Abdomen and Muscles of Resperation: 30 hours
NMT 6: NMT and Myofascial Pain Syndromes for Head, Neck and Sacrum: 30 hours
NMT 7: NMT and Myofascial Pain Syndromes for Shoulder, Arm and Hand: 30 hours
Advanced NMT:
NMT for Whiplash injuries, Anterior Neck and TMJ Dysfunction: 30 Hours
Therapeutic Massage of Texas
Achieving Balance Through Bodywork
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