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Massage Services and Rates

Several massage modalities are offered and any of them may be used during your session without an increase in cost.  This allows your therapist to tailor your appointment to your needs and choose the best technique for the best results.

1 Hour:  $100.00

90 minutes:  $125.00

2 Hours:  $185.00 (call for avalibility)


Packages are available:

4 One Hour sessions:  $360.00

Below is a brief summary of some of the techniques that may be used durring a typical session.  For more information on these and other techniques, check out my Blog.
Neuromuscular Therapy

Is a very effective, gentle, structural based massage. It uses a set of protocols for specific muscles to address distortions of posture and joint motion, trigger points, nerve entrapments and compressions, ischemia and imblance in order to reduce pain. 

Orthopedic Massage

A type of structural based massage with similar soft tissue techniques to neuromuscular massage and myofascial release.  Focusing on joint mobilization through releasing fascial adhesions within the joint capsule to increase range of motion

Myofascial Release

Myofacial literally translates as muscle fascia.  Think of fascia as the casing that gives all tissue shape.  It is similar to the white pulpy stuff that allows you to section an orange.  Myofascial techniques imply a stretch to that tissue with the purpose of opening, softening or unwinding the casing to allow muscles, organs and even bones to fall back into a more natural position.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Increases the movement of lymph using light pressure for the purpose of reducing swelling or edema.  Encouraging lymph can boost the immune system, relieve pain by reducing inflammation and detoxify the body.


Extreamly light touch therapy that focuces on balencing the subtal rythems in the cranium, spinal column and sacrum.    It has the added benifits of circulating intercrainal fluids (lymphatics) and calming overexcited neurology.  Very subtle, very relaxing work.

Other services

TMJ Dysfunction, Whiplash Injuries, Kinesio Taping, Myofacial Unwinding, Massage Cupping, Touch for health, BARS.


Therapeutic Massage of Texas

Achieving Balance Through Bodywork
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