Inspired Changes Inc.
Paperwork and Policies

New Patient Paperwork
The new patient forms need to be completed before your first appointment and will be updated once a year to help your therapist stay current with your health. The health survey is confidential and will not be shared with anyone else unless special written permission is given.
You may wonder why some of these questions are asked. Just remember, It's all connected. No one symptom exists in isolation. Symptoms in one area of the body can be referred from problems in areas quite distant from where it hurts. Physical complaints can be related to muscle imbalance, spinal misalignments or even emotional stress.
Even those seeking a "relaxation massage" need to be screened for possible cautions to massage.
If you don't understand a question, please ask and we can discuss it. It is also perfectly alright to list "don't know" next to any of the questions you don't have the answer to.
Business Policies
Full Payment is expected at time of service.
Gratuities are never expected but always appreciated. Your personal recommendation to your friends and coworkers is always a valued reward by itself.
Late Arrivals: Out of concideration to other clients, if you are late for an appointment you may not recieve full treatment. After 25 minutes it will be concidered a no-show and the appointmet will be cancelled.
Cancellations not received 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment are subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of the scheduled service. This policy includes gift cirtificates and packages. Simply put, you scheduled that time and it is booked spacificlly for YOU. Notice of cancellation allows me to book someone who might be in pain and waiting. Next time, that someone could be you.
Inclement Weather: If plano ISD is closed, so are we. All other unsafe conditions will be evaluated by the therapist and appointments rescheduled if necessary. It is better to stay home and safe than risk an accident on your way to or from a massage.
The Massage Therapist reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
Any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances by clients will result in the IMMEDIATE termination of the massage. Full payment for the scheduled appointment will be due in full. All sexually suggestive remarks or advances will be reported to the appropriate local law enforcement authorities.
Gift Certificates are avalible with a one year expiration date.
Prepaid Packeges are not valid with other discounts and are not refundable. Packages expire after 4 months.
Rates for services provided are subject to change without notice.